Monday, June 22, 2020

Manifest Destiny Essay Sample

There are a lot of different beliefs and events that has had an impact on the history on different countries. The history of the United States of America also includes such crucial beliefs and events. One of the most important movements that made the US as they are now was the Manifest Destiny. It is a belief, movement, and duty at the same time that started at the beginning of 19th century. To understand how the American people and the US became what they are now, it essential to know and understand information about manifest duty. In 1800, people already believed that their country is special and their goal should be to develop it. For this reason, the United States that were just the coastal colonies wanted to expand their territories using different methods. A great number of people supported this idea. Some of them just wanted to take advantage of this, but others truly believed that they had a duty to expand their country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. For example, Northerners, who had problems with the overpopulation and economic instability, hoped that this manifest would make the urban areas less crowded. At the same time, Southerners also hoped to get more land for agriculture and manufactures that could help to stabilize the economy of the country. At that period of time, no one could know what role it would play in the history of the country. Who could know that the borders of the United States of America wouldn’t change till now? The manifest and people who believed in it are respons ible for the country that exists now. In the 1840s the expansion of the territory of America started. People truly believed that they have a right to have these territories and they were ready to use different methods to do this. Some of the lands were achieved by the negotiations when others by conquering. In 1845, the US included The Texas Annexation. In 1846, it included The Oregon Country. In 1848, it included The Mexican Cession. In 1853, it included The Gadsden Purchase. In 1867, it included Alaska, and in 1898 – Hawaii. The manifest destiny took a long period of time to gain the goal of expansion. Moving west, Americans didn’t see the Indians as people. They saw them as slaves. Therefore, a great number of the Indians was killed, when others became slaves. A lot of lands was purchased from France in the Louisiana. Apart from this, there was war with Mexico, where the US gain the desired lands but lost a great number of soldiers. The number of people killed from the Mexican side is even higher. At fir st sight, the status of the Mexican people was the same as the status of other US citizens. However, they weren’t treated like that. They were treated as a second class people, the same as it was with the Britain and Americans. It was already mentioned that the Manifest Destiny had a great impact on the history of the United States. Yet, it is essential to understand that this influence was good and bad at the same time. From one side, it helped to develop the country’s economy. Apart from this, people got a lot of new lands. However, wars and conflicts took a lot of lives. Neither the Indians nor Mexican people wanted to become a part of the United States. As a result, there were a lot of conflicts, and even war, where a great number of people died. Nowadays, America doesn’t resist that not all of the actions were right, but it understands that without them, the United States that we know wouldn’t exist.

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