Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Climate Change Debate Guidance

Question: Discuss about contribution on the assigned reading and contribution of somebody else. Answer: Contribution on the Assigned Reading All the forests throughout the world have significant impacts on the overall global climate. During the last few decades, most of the forests were destructed due to various reasons such as industrialization. As a result, the global climate is changing drastically and such change is creating various issues such as global warming. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are followed by the forests throughout the world to influence world climate. Such processes also affect the atmospheric composition, the hydrologic cycle and the planetary energetic (Bonan 2008). Most of the Tropical forests are sophisticated for minimizing global warming. However, negative climate forcing is either enhanced or diminished by the Biogeophysical feedbacks (Bonan 2008). Most of the forests now have to face massive pressure from the global climate change. Greater changes in carbon cycle dynamics and in vegetation are experienced by the northern ecosystems (Forkel et al. 2016). Photosynthetic carbon upt ake has been reacting strongly towards global warming than the processes related to carbon release, during the last few decades. Human-made greenhouse gases are the direct causes behind the Climate Change and global warming. One-sixth of global carbon emissions are contributed by the forests. Most of the forests have the tendency to react perceptively towards changing climate (Hansen et al. 2008). They can be utilized as the wood fuels, as an alternative to fossil fuels. In addition, the forests have the prospective to take in about one-tenth of carbon emissions globally (Forkel et al. 2016). Contribution of Somebody Else The other contributor is right about the role of forests, as Bonan (2008) confirmed that the forests have significant impacts on the overall global climate. The other contributor stated that carbon farming should be encouraged. Carbon Farming is the sophisticated way of farming, which minimizes Greenhouse Gas emissions and also holds carbon in vegetation and soils ( 2015). It also stated that importing food is cheaper and beneficial, in terms of world trade advancements. The statement is appropriate and is supported by Sirieix, Kledal and Sulitang (2011). According to Hansen et al. (2008), the atmospheric composition of the earth has been altered by the human activities and the other contributor suggested that the farmers should volunteer carbon-farming schemes. It is essential for the farmers to volunteer such schemes, especially when the importance of carbon farming dividends is unrealised (Tang, Kragt, Hailu and Ma 2016). Reference List Bonan, G.B., 2008. Forests and climate change: forcings, feedbacks, and the climate benefits of,320(5882), pp.1444-1449. Forkel, M., Carvalhais, N., Rdenbeck, C., Keeling, R., Heimann, M., Thonicke, K., Zaehle, S. and Reichstein, M., 2016. Enhanced seasonal CO2 exchange caused by amplified plant productivity in northern ecosystems.Science, p.aac4971. Hansen, J., Sato, M., Kharecha, P., Beerling, D., Berner, R., Masson-Delmotte, V., Pagani, M., Raymo, M., Royer, D.L. and Zachos, J.C., 2008. Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim?.arXiv preprint arXiv:0804.1126. 2015. What is Carbon Farming. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Mar. 2016]. Sirieix, L., Kledal, P.R. and Sulitang, T., 2011. Organic food consumers' tradeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ offs between local or imported, conventional or organic products: a qualitative study in Shanghai.International Journal of Consumer Studies,35(6), pp.670-678. Tang, K., Kragt, M.E., Hailu, A. and Ma, C., 2016. Carbon farming economics: What have we learned?Journal of environmental management,172, pp. 49-57.

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