Monday, May 18, 2020

My American Dream - 841 Words

The classic â€Å"American Dream† can be envisioned as a white picket fence, crisp lawn, and two young children playing about in front of a lightly hued colonial style home. Once the ideal of ultimate success within the United States, this life goal is now just an image on a page of a 1960’s chapter within a United States history textbook. Now, America’s strong-willed and influential Millennials have thoroughly and unapologetically redefined the â€Å"American Dream†. The Center for a new American Dream defines this new goal as ... a focus on more of what really matters, such as creating a meaningful life, contributing to community and society, valuing nature, and spending time with family and friends ( Speaking through†¦show more content†¦Post medical school, I will be paired with a hospital based on my academic success and overall integrity as a doctor. This hospital or other medical unit alike could be located thousands of miles from my home. By owning property in one specific place, I would feel limited within my job searches. If most Millennials owned homes, I strongly believe that unemployment rates would rise. We as a generation are talented and motivated young adults ready to explore the world. We will not be held back from our own versions of modern day success. Despite these outstanding issues, if one is lucky enough to be content with their current job situation, there are some prodigious benefits to buying a home at a younger age. Most Millennials that I know tend to go for apartment style living arrangements. Unfortunately, your money is going to your landlord, and not into any sort of investment. Buying a home as a young adult will leave you with a hopefully generous resale value, within a rising home market economy. Your money will I also believe that owning a home will have a great effect on your ability to handle personal responsibility and important decisions. These skills will easily translate to your job performance, making you more likely to shine to your employer, get that job promotion you having been thinking about, and raise your comfort of living.Show MoreRelatedTo What Extent Is Aurther Millers All My Sons a Critique of the American Dream?1427 Words   |  6 Pagesextent is Arthur Miller’s ‘All My Sons’ a critique of the American Dream Arthur Miller was an American playwright and was a prominent figure in America until his recent death in 2005. It was at this time of his death that Miller was considered one of the greatest American playwrights. In 1947, after his disastrous play – ‘The man who had all the luck’, ‘All My Sons’ was published, which brought Miller recognition and was the start of his successful career. ‘All My Sons’ is set after World War 2Read MoreTo What Extent Can All My Sons Be Seen as a Criticism of the American Dream and the American Way of Life?1557 Words   |  6 Pages The American Dream was born out of the deprivation of the war and the great depression America went through; measured by affluence, a rise in the accepted standard of living, it was the total opposite to war times.â€Å" Everyman a king. All things even better† In Miller’s play the Keller family are seen to be living the â€Å"American Dream†, yet their ways and means of obtaining this are greatly criticised by Miller. The Keller’s live in an outer-city suburb in a house that â€Å"would have cost perhaps fifteenRead MoreMy American Dream Essay : My American Dream721 Words   |  3 PagesMy American Dream I grew up thinking I could do anything that my friends could do, but as I got older I found out that I couldnt do some of the things they can do. While I had friends that would travel out of the country for vacation, I would only go as far as Florida. When I was younger I asked my parents why we couldn’t leave the country like my other friends, they simply responded with we cant. Since I was a little girl at the time I didnt think too much of the situation and just let itRead MoreMy American Dream839 Words   |  4 Pagesdefinitely say that I am experiencing this new American Dream for myself. Owning a home is definitely a part of the American Dream that has remained intact for as long as the country has been standing. However, for a millennial there is a new and added depth to the Dream. Millennials have been accused of many things, killing the diamond industry, killing the department store industry, and for being unwilling to enter the housing market. While the dream of own ing a home is indeed alive and well amongRead MoreMy American Dream774 Words   |  4 PagesThe American dream is the ideal job you have for yourself along with how you wish your life to plan out. For any american dream you will need a certain amount of education and training. As well as talents and experience. My American dream is to be a film producer , I find myself constantly looking at the behind the scenes of a movie imagining i’m there helping with them, my creativity is very strong point. First, thing to do is plan out the education you are going to need to accomplish your americanRead MoreMy American Dream Essay533 Words   |  3 PagesFirst, lets define American Dream. American Dream is what you would consider a perfect life. It can be full of happiness, money, love, food, cars, whatever you desire, everyone has a different opinion. One person’s American Dream may be totally different from someone else’s, that is what makes us all individuals. My American Dream would include a good job and lots of money, spare time for my family and I, and most importantly, healthiness. It seems that so often the subject of economic standingRead MoreMy American Dream Essay745 Words   |  3 PagesThe idea of the American Dream conveys a delight to anybody endeavoring to accomplish this deception. For most of the population living in America, there is a feeling of working towards being in a superior position than the present one they are in. The fantasy is distinctive for every person, a few people dream brings energy towards themselves and their loved ones, as others work for a superior living for a whole society. This is the thing that makes this idea so uncommon and one of a kind, is thatRead MoreMy Perception Of The American Dream1554 Words   |  7 Pagesenvisioned my future life to be like the stereotypical American dream. I may have inherited that dream from my mother; she came to the United States from Mexico at only 15 years old. She came to pursue the same dream - - the opportunity to achieve wealth and success. Growing up in a traditional Hispanic house hold is something I will always cherish, but one characteristic of Hispanic culture is the mindset that women are meant to be housewives and mothers. This expectation worked with my perceptionRead MoreMy Life Of The American Dream1376 Words   |  6 PagesI was born in Fort Worth, Texas, a city where I realized being an American is an unbelievable blessing to have in your life. I would have to thank my mother for risking her life, and having the courage to move to the United States when she was only eighteen. Without her courage I would be living a completely different life right now. The opportunities one has as an American are shocking. Many Americans do not realize how fortunate they are in this country, with the Public school system,and job opportunitiesRead MoreMy Opinion of the American Dream701 Words   |  3 PagesWhat is the American Dream? Is a question that will be answered differently every time its asked to a different individual. Everyone has a different opinion reg arding what is the American Dream and what it takes to make the dream a reality theres a simply explanation to this: People come from different places, and everyone has a different story to tell. No two lives are just alike, there are going to be people who have experienced different trials and tribulations, people who have seen what you

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